due to held in Olympia named. The end of the 19th century by the French Baron Coubertin founded the true sense of the modern Olympic Games.(中文)奥林匹克运动会简称奥运会,它包括夏奥会、冬奥会、残奥会、青奥会和特奥会。
Third, the past data show most countries economies improved after hosting an Olypmic games.翻译:2008年北京奥运会将充满智慧和绿色。我认为举办2008年奥运会将对中国经济产生积极影响。
And a lot of citizens of Beijing may study English actively .很多北京人们会学习英语。They speak to foreign friends and community in English.用英语与外国朋友交流。I am looking forward the Beijing Olympics on August 8, 2008 very much. 我盼望着2008年8月8日快点到来。
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